Releasing Trapped Emotion
I will be sharing a method to process and transcend trapped emotions and/or trauma*. The skeleton of this method came from one of my clients Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ session, and I have chosen to elaborate for ease of use.
1. Accept what has happened.
Often, we choose to "block out" trauma instead of moving in the direction of acknowledging it. We do this is because we hope to avoid the more painful emotions that we expect to experience once we recognize what took place. It's important to note that we allow ourselves to process the experience and heal after accepting what has happened. Sometimes we fear that these emotions will be all-consuming if we allow ourselves to feel them; however, the painful feelings will dissipate after they are given the needed attention. This won't necessarily be a "pretty" process, tears may be shed, but peace will follow! Be patient and gentle with yourself.
2. Forgive everyone involved without the expectation of reciprocation.
It may be best to start by forgiving yourself. I recommend beginning by acknowledging the inner child, or the part of yourself that had the first experience with the emotion you're addressing. We all experience emotion on a spectrum, and certain situations allow us to experience emotion more strongly than another. As we gain compassion for our inner child, we can begin to understand when people act out; it results from a damaged inner child. Forgiveness should never be forced. Forgiveness is a natural byproduct as a greater level of understanding and compassion is cultivated. It's helpful to look at the situation as an opportunity to heal and come back to wholeness deliberately. Victimizing and blaming are detrimental to the healing process.
3. Verbally apologize, without blame.
Once you have forgiven yourself and the others involved, apologizing will flow naturally after understanding the inner child. We must look out for when we say, "I apologize..." Then, we may have an internal dialogue that usually starts with the word "...but..." This nullifies the apology in its entirety. Avoiding this is to take full responsibility for the chosen reaction we expressed. The truth is, we made a choice to express. Irresponsible/impulsive expression is our own wrongdoing... However, as we have come to understand, this happens due to a damaged inner child. Maintaining compassion for everyone involved, including oneself, is essential.
4. Start over.
Let it go! Each moment is an opportunity to heal. Holding on to any painful emotion will only cause self-inflicted suffering. Behind all the chaos, we all have a story with many layers. As we go through this process, we will begin to piece ourselves together again, returning to that joyful child.
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*Trauma is often left unacknowledged if it isn't dramatic. Most, if not all, emotional upset as an adult is an echo of childhood traumas. This trauma can be as minor as not being picked up when you cry as a baby.
From conception until age eight, we make decisions based on our felt perception, not intellect. We are weaving a web of associations based on feelings instead of "truth." This is done in the hopes of self-preservation and connection.
Yet, it doesn't seem to change when we get to adulthood. The truth is, whatever appears to be "self-sabotage" or "damaging" is only ever allowing for us to maintain emotional homeostasis, or what we know to be "normal" from childhood.